Be The Good Soil

- Mark 4 -

My beloved child, the desire of my Father for you has always been that, you be hot so that he can unite you to himself and that’s why he resolved to make you a flame of fire so that you can be like him. Remember that Fire begets fire and coldness begets coldness. My Father and I are a consuming fire and if you be our child, you must become a consuming fire as well. You cannot claim to be the child of the fiery God and yet be cold and it is for this reason that I came into the world not only to baptise you with water but with fire as well, so that you can be hot as we are hot. You might not understand how important it is to be hot but I want you to know, that, the hotter you are the untouchable you become and the further evil goes away from you. The devil loves the ones that are cold because in them he flourishes and does whatever he wills. Think about a hot and blazing fire or a high-tension naked wire, and imagine someone going to touch either of them or imagine them touching someone. What do you think will happen? The outcome will be the same in both cases. The person shall be completely destroyed, either burnt to ashes or electrocuted to death. But imagine that, the wire is not tensioned and charged or that the fire is not blazing, will the effect still be the same? So, it is with you. When you are hot, fully charged, and ablaze, every evil power that touches you dies and every evil you touch dies but if you are not hot enough, the enemy shall be happy to mess with you and play with your life at will. Choosing to be hot and ablaze is choosing to be free from the power of the evil one and being untouchable. The devil makes a difference between the children of fire and that of the world and he approaches them differently. You need the fire in your life and you need to become one body and spirit with that fire. People can play with ashes but they dare not play with blazing fire. It is my Father’s will that you be untouchable and that’s why he has poured upon you his fire and he expects you to keep the flames burning by constantly fanning them. Be a fire wherever you go, and no one shall be able to defeat you. I am the consuming fire and each time you feel your fire is dying down, come to me and I shall reenkindle your fire and make it blaze again. Do not hesitate to unite yourself with me and be set ablaze. Allow the fire of my love to transform you and make you a better person each day by consuming out of your life all that does not give glory to my Father. All I require is that you surrender to me and I will do that for which my Father sent me to do. Come to me and become that which you were created to be.

I love you.

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