Be The Good Soil

- Mark 4 -

My dear child, before you were formed in your mother’s womb, I knew you and I loved and chose you to be, stay and walk with me, so that you can accomplish the purpose my Father has for you. This purpose is his will for you and in it you will find fulfillment and accomplishment. It is not easy to define yourself in this world according to the Father’s will because the standards of the world are different from those of heaven but when you find the courage to do that, life turns around for you and for good. Remember always that you are an instrument in the hands of my Father and He has the absolute right to play the instrument the way he wills but the problem we have here is that you are an instrument with an independent will that can refuse to be played and each time you refuse to be played, my Father lets you have your way which I must tell you my child isn’t always the best for you. Take this for instance and learn from it; if you buy a keyboard, bring it home, polish it, and put it in a nice corner of the house and one morning you come around to play it but the keys give you the wrong notes and play something else that what you are playing on them, what will you do with that organ? Will you keep playing it or will you keep it aside? Or again, imagine you bought a drum and when you hit the drum, no sound comes out of it, will you keep hitting the drum or will you do away with it? Or again imagine that the organ and the drum both tell you each time you try to play them, that they are not ready or again interested in allowing you to play them and that they will play what they want at their own chosen times, what will be your reaction to this? But then imagine that beside this drum you bought, there is an old one that though burst in some places, still gives the sound you play, will you trash it because it is old and keep the new one or will you repair its holes and make it your playing drum? This is exactly how you have been with my Father dear child. He bought you at the price of my blood, gave you new life, and placed you where you are so that you can be His instrument to perform his will when the time comes. But oftentimes, you have acted as the organ I mentioned and refused to play the sound my Father inputs in you and chosen the play that suits you. Other times you categorically refused to allow him to use you and played no sound when He gave the command but in all these, you still wish to remain in the place of favor and enjoy the privilege of being the beloved. My Father will stretch his hand and mend the weak and broken drum that accepts to be played and he will make it become his chosen instrument ahead of you. This is the mystery of the mighty coming down from their thrones and the lowly being lifted. Remember that whoever you are, if you refuse to allow the hand of my Father to lead you, you will go towards your destruction and will watch people lower than you take the front seat while you linger behind. Remember that who you are only has value when you allow yourself to be used the right way and in the right place. The power of the instrument lies in the hands of the one who plays it. The beauty of an instrument blossoms when it is being played rightly and it responds perfectly to the admiration of everyone around. You my dear child are an instrument in the hands of my Father, Choose which one you want to be and make yourself available and you will be used in your full capacity and right value. Often you forget that you are in His hands and that if he wills, he can do with you what He pleases. His mercy has kept you going this far but remember that the secret to being happy is submitting to the will of the Father and allowing Him to accomplish in you what he started. Let the will of your maker take precedence over yours, and you will experience true happiness, joy, and peace. I love you.

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