Be The Good Soil

- Mark 4 -

Spiritual training is more profitable to the body than physical training (1 Timothy 4:8) and this is because in the spiritual training, the physical is carried along. Building a good spiritual life is of utmost importance for a happy life. Among the spiritual exercises, fasting stands as an important element. The unending battle between the flesh and the spirit is won by putting the body under check (1 Corinthians 9:26) so that we won’t be in the situation where the apostles found themselves, wherein, the spirit gets willing but the body opposes in weakness (Matthew 26:41). The act of fasting is so intertwined with prayer such that fasting without prayer is nothing but a weight loss exercise. The heart of every fasting is prayer and finding time to pray while fasting makes the whole difference. In the same vein, fasting makes prayer powerful. Fasting is that sacrificial dimension of prayer and it not only empowers he who does it over evil but also draws the attention of heaven. When the people of Nineveh heard that destruction was at hand, they did not hesitate to declare a fast over the land and that alone turned the heart of God back to them (Jonah 3:5-10). True fasting turns the face of God towards us and opens for us heavenly blessings (Isaiah 58:6-12). When we practice true fasting, it not only reconciles us to God but it makes way for us and clears the obstacles that stand on our path. A clear example of this is Queen Esther who sought to come into the king’s presence uninvited knowing well that it could end her life but she resorted to fasting (Esther 4:16 and 15) after which she went into his presence and received favor not only favor but God changing the heart of the king from anger to gentleness (Esther 15:1-16). Fasting can bring a radical change in situations and people and turn them around completely. You have to realize that fasting has a powerful ability to bring God into the situation wherein you are and turn things around for your good. Daniel in trying to understand and change the story of Israel had to undertake 21-day fasting (Daniel 10:2) and to that prayer, God sent an Angel to grant the answer without delay (Daniel 10:12). Fasting is a privileged channel to call down the favor and presence of God in our lives and that of our families. Moreover, fasting has so many health benefits and when you humble yourself in fasting, you start looking good physically and attractive. This is what we learn from the story of Judith and we see how fasting made her beauty to blossom and made her look attractive (Judith 8:4-8) but also gave her favor and victory. It is the same with Anna who though was 84 was still very strong because she made fasting a habit (Luke 2:36-37). You must realize that fasting is a privilege way-maker for ushering prayers into God’s presence. Daniel rose in the morning and thought about the situation of Israel and declared prayer and fasting (Daniel 9:2-3) and by evening the answer came (Daniel 9:20-21). Nehemiah did the same and had the same result (Nehemiah 1:4). Make fasting your habit and you shall be surprised at how much God will be close to you. When Paul and Barnabas wanted to appoint elders, they resulted in fasting (Acts 14:23), this was the best way to consecrate them unto the Lord. Paul did this because it was the same procedure that led to his first mission (Acts 13:2-3). There is no better way of humbling ourselves and making God present than giving ourselves to fasting. Fasting elevates your spirit and brings you into God’s presence. It makes our spirits glow in light and fire and makes communication with God very easy and fluent. For forty days when Moses was in the presence of the Lord to receive the tablets, he stayed fasting all through the time he was there (Exodus 34:28). Let us use the privileged path of fasting and prayer to access and stay in the holy place of God and bring down blessings without count in our lives.

In Corda Matris.


I resolve to make fasting a part of my prayer life.
I resolve to practice fasting that is pleasing to God.
I resolve to develop a pattern of fasting that will subdue my flesh and raise my spirit.


My dear lord, teach me to fast and give me the grace to practice a good and true fast pleasing to you. Help me to subdue my flesh so that my spirit can be elevated towards you and stay constantly in your presence.


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