When we talk about our God and his appearance, everything quickly thinks about the beauty and the glory, everyone thinks about this attractive and awesome presence which is so bright and pure. To think such is not wrong but I want to paint today the image of God which the devil and human beings dread. Aside from being a glorious God, our God is a consuming fire and Moses will describe the appearance of the Glory of God as a devouring fire (Exodus 24:17) in another text he clearly says that our God is a consuming fire and a jealous God (Deuteronomy 4:24) and the writer to the Hebrew will still insist and say our God is indeed a consuming fire (Hebrew 12:29). These passages define God in who he is and even make it clear that his Glory is fiery in aspect. He is not just a fire but a devouring or if you like a consuming fire. This reality gives power to those who know and accept God in that light. It is this knowledge that motivated Peter, James, and John to stand ready to call down fire on those who opposed the Master. They knew they had from God just like Elijah the power to call down fire even though Jesus stopped them reminding them that he didn’t come to destroy men’s lives but to save them (Luke 9:54-56). This could only come from people who know the power of the God they believe in. The question is, what do you know about your God? Are you aware he is a blazing fire who dwells unapproachable light (1 Timothy 6:16)? You have to come to terms with the fact that fire is an integral part of our God and when he goes ahead of us, he goes not just as a fire but as a consuming fire that devours his enemies round about (Psalm 97:3). It is very important for each of us to bear this in mind, that, when you are calling upon the Lord to lead the way, you are calling the consuming fire. Time and again when the Lord visited Israel, he did it in the form of a blazing fire (Exodus 19:18), when he accepted an offering and a prayer, his fire came down upon it (1 Kings 18:38 2 Chronicles 7:1). It is same when evil piles up and obstacles set in, the Lord is always ready to consume (Number 16:21) and is only waiting for us to give way that he may do it. When we are in situations and call upon the Lord to save us, we should not hesitate to give way so that his fire can take over and consume all that sets in. When Moses was challenged by Korah and co, the Lord opened the earth and swallowed it but did not end there, he still sent fire and devoured the 250 men who offered incense (Numbers 16:35). This is one of God’s fastest responses to evil and its eradication. He showed Amos how powerful and fierce the fire could be, that even the great deep cannot contain it (Amos 7:4). There is nowhere any evil power can hide from the fire of God. I once heard a preacher say we should not call fire from heaven to destroy because the fire of God can only purify and not destroy. To this teaching I will refer you to the Prophet Elijah who called down fire and devoured the soldiers who came to take him to the king (2 Kings 1:10). Elijah was precise when he said “Let fire come down from heaven and consume …”. He wasn’t calling the fire from heaven to cleanse them but he was calling it to destroy them and the fire that fell on them came from God. The fire from the Lord kills and it killed Nadab and Abihu (Leviticus 10:1-2). The Lord himself declares that he will set a fire on the walls of Gaza and Tyrus to consume them because of the evil they did (Amos 1:7-14). We too must learn to call down the fire on every obstacle that stands on our path and pray that the fire of the lord will make a way for us. The fire of the Lord will not destroy all those that are of a pure heart because the Lord makes them flames of fire (Hebrews 1:7 and Psalm 104:4) and that is why even if they walk through the fire they shall not be consumed. Fire does not consume fire. The fire of God has a two-sided effect, it destroys evil and sets free but it strengthens those who belong to God. You are a fire set ablaze for God and all that comes against you must be consumed by the fire. Jesus himself made it clear that he came into the world to enkindle a fire and wished it was already burning (Luke 12:49). Do not hesitate to call the fire upon every situation you find yourself in and march forward. When evil arises, remember that you are a fire and that you can call down fire against it and destroy it. May the fire be our victory against every evil.
In Corda Matris.
I resolve to keep the flame of God in my life burning.
I resolve to help Jesus set the world ablaze with the fire of his love.
I resolve to raise the fire against every evil that seeks to destroy.
Heavenly Father, I thank you for setting me ablaze with your fire and making me a flame of fire. Teach me to become an obstacle of fire against every evil and to stand against all that seeks to destroy your good work. Help me to invoke your fire wherever I go and to set free all you put on my way and deliver from the power of darkness all who trust in you.
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