Be The Good Soil

- Mark 4 -


At the start of this week, we looked at the call to follow Jesus and I made a little remark noting that there is a difference between following Jesus and walking with Jesus. I would have loved to push on with this series with more topics but I will rather conclude it with this topic; walk with me. Come follow me is the first step but to that step there is an upgrade and it is come walk with me. Walking with God is far different from following him. Walking with God requires some sort of intimacy and all who walk with God are always outstanding. The very first of them is Enoch and what the bible says about Enoch is awesome and twice in a few verses, the bible says Enoch walked with God for three hundred years and after he had walked with God, he disappeared because God took him (Genesis 5:21-24). His proximity to God gave him a privileged path and spared him the normal human outlet. This was the same with Noah who was privileged to walk with God (Genesis 6:9) and that alone gave him the privilege of knowing God’s plan and of being the one who saved humanity from extinction. There is such a privilege to walk with God. This privilege doesn’t just come, it is offered at a given point when you have followed God and proven your loyalty to him. The Lord in warning priests, reminded them of how Levi their ancestor walked in accord with him and respected their covenant which was of life and peace (Malachi 2:5-6). When the Lord wanted to make a covenant with Abraham, he started by asking him to walk in his presence or again walk with him (Genesis 17:1-2). It is by walking with him that Abraham got the privilege of seeing his heart’s desires come to pass. Walking with God is having the privilege of being in the presence of God and having first-hand material to everything as well as information. This was the privilege Jesus gave to his inner cycle Peter, James, and John who were the ones he always took along for a walk and any other personal business, giving them access to the transfiguration and his agony (Matthew 17:1-7 and Matthew 26:37-38). These ones had access to personal information (Matthew 17:9) and he shared even his fears and weaknesses with them. Walking with God is such a privilege that Moses who requested to walk with God was raised to the level of a god in the eyes of Pharaoh (Exodus 7:1). Moses, who walked with God became the one person who had unlimited access to God’s presence and became the one who was privileged to have a face-to-face talk with God (Numbers 12:5-9). This text is very beautiful when you see how God defends Moses and makes the difference between him and other prophets but most especially at the level of the messages given. God says he speaks to Moses clearly and without riddles and this simply means the communication between them has gone beyond the normal communication between God and man. He even made a difference between his communication with other prophets and that with Moses. Jesus said the same to his disciples when he was preparing them for his exit, he upgraded his relationship with them from servant to friend and declared clearly that he had made known to them all that he learned from the Father. This simply means that they now have access to privileged information and they know everything he knows. Imagine having the same knowledge as Jesus Christ and knowing all that he knows, it will be so wonderful but you should know that the friends of God who walk with Christ have the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16). This is so important that St Paul will raise those who align with Christ and share in his life as coequals with him who will also share in his glory (Romans 8:17). Walking with Jesus is so amazing that it almost feels like you too become another Christ walking the earth. There is such a privilege to walk with God and this privilege is for those who follow him, push forward into the deep with him, and get into his closer circle. I do pray we all get to that level so that the Holy Spirit will keep taking what belongs to the Son and whispering it to us (John 16:15).

In Corda Matris.


I resolve to get closer to God.
I resolve to walk with God in justice and love.
I resolve to make my relationship with God my number one priority.


Dear lord, I thank you for making me part of this wonderful experience of discipleship, and for choosing me to come walk with you. Help me Lord to draw nearer to you and stay by your side.


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