Be The Good Soil

- Mark 4 -


Light and darkness have nothing in common (2 Corinthians 6:14). This is a clear description of the relationship between light and darkness. Where one exists, the other is dissipated and only one can exist in a place at a time. From the night of origins, darkness covered the earth (Genesis 1:2) and it has always sought to cover the earth even till date but God’s work from creation till date as well has always been to dispel the darkness and that’s why to overcome darkness at creation, he said “let there be light and there was light and he separated the light from the darkness” (Genesis 1:4). This separation from the origin is what St Paul confirms when he says both have nothing in common. Darkness has tried lots of times to impose its dominion but each time light has triumphed. In Isaiah’s prophecy, he declares that darkness will cover the earth (as it did from the very dawn of creation) and gloomy clouds veil the people but the Glory of God will rise over you and his glory will dispel the darkness (Isaiah 60:2). Each time darkness tries to cover the earth, the light of God arises to dispel it. This is the old battle that now takes place not only on earth but in the lives of men. That is why St John the evangelist will be precise about Jesus that he is the true light that enlightens all men while coming into the world (John 1:9), this means that he doesn’t only dispel the darkness in the world but also that which exists in all men. Jesus himself will declare that he has come into the world as light so that those who believe in him may not remain in darkness (John 12:46), the darkness from which he chose and called you from into his wonderful light (1 Peter 2:9-10). It is not just light but marvelous light, light in which you are called to walk and live (Ephesians 5:8) and become the light itself to enlighten all who are around you (Matthew 5:14-16). This is the main aim of Jesus, that everyone who is in him becomes the light so that wherever they are they may dispel the darkness and become unstoppable by the darkness which is not powerful enough to cover the light. The power of the light is so great that it shines in the darkness and the darkness can neither understand nor stop it (John 1:5) and all who have this light fear no one or any evil (Psalm 27:1) because, for God darkness is not dark and night is as bright as day (Psalm 139:12). Before the light, darkness loses its power and becomes the light, because God is light there is no darkness in Him (1 John 1:5) and everywhere God is there is light and everything or everyone that comes to him gets enlightened and he changes their darkness into light (Psalm18:28). This is the power of the light, its ability to change darkness into itself and to this power Jesus is calling all men and he assures them that he is the light of the world and everyone who follows him does not work in the dark but he will have the light of life (John 8:12). A light of life that darkness can neither touch nor overcome, a light that is capable of guiding and directing your steps (Psalm 119:105). The light is the word of God and the entrance of the entrance of the word brings light (Psalms 119:130), light to all who receive the word and to all who listen to it. For the light to shine on you, you need to wake from your slumber (Ephesians 5:14) and believe in Jesus, you need to live by the truth (John3:21), you need to share your food with the hungry, clothe the naked, free the oppression and break the yokes that enslave men, then your night shall be as bright as the noonday (Isaiah 58:7-10). Darkness can fill the world but its reign can never last for long. It will last just for the night but with the dawn come the light. On the cross of Calvary, while Jesus hung dying, darkness covered the earth thinking the light was gone but just a few hours later, the light shone again and the darkness was gone. Whichever way you choose to follow, always remember that light is better than darkness (Ecclesiastes 2:13) and that darkness shall never overcome. Happy feast of the light. In Corda Matris.


I resolve to protect the light God has given me.
I resolve to be the for others.
I resolve to be an obstacle to the advancement of darkness.


My Lord and my God, you are the source of all good and you are the light that shines in the darkness. Teach me to love you and to reverence you that in all things I may always abide in your light and live by it. Amen.

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