Be The Good Soil

- Mark 4 -


The path to freedom is a very demanding one that requires a lot of personal work, laying downs, and taking ups. Today we want to look at a very important aspect of this path, which is learning how to let go. Many of us have held onto things for so long, that those things have become for us nightmares and demons. Have you ever kept a grudge against someone to the point that, when you see them, you feel this discomfort inside? If you have, then you have created a problem for yourself and need to let go. You might be angry and not sin, but that’s still good but allowing the anger to sink inside you is giving the devil a foothold (Ephesians 4:26-27). Many have given the devil this foothold and have progressively become his slaves infested by the spirit of anger and vengeance and the wise man calls such people fools (Proverbs 29:11), because the consequences are disastrous even for them. It progressively holds them captive and slowly destroys their lives. You must give up anger, rage, insults, and quarreling and put on mutual forgiveness (Ephesians 4:31-32) so that you can be free from their bondage and walk the path of freedom. Unforgiveness is one of the greatest bondages you will be called to free yourself from. He who does not forgive, will not be forgiven (Matthew 6:14-15) and so stays in the bondage of sin and walks to destruction. When we pray the Lord’s prayer, we say forgive us as we too forgive (Matthew 6:12), this supposes that our being forgiven is conditioned by how much we forgive. For those who have not understood this, check the parable of the unforgiving servant. Those whose sins are forgiven are blessed and are free from the power of evil (Psalm 32:1-2) while those who conceal their sins will not prosper (Proverbs 28:13). The power of forgiveness breaks us free from the power of evil and for that, we must confess our sins to God who is always ready to forgive us whatever sin we have committed (1 John 1:8-9). Unforgiveness is so powerful that it has the capacity of hindering your prayers (Mark 11:24-25) but confessing your sins and forgiving those who have sinned against you, brings forgiveness and sets you free from the power of evil. The writer of the Hebrews insists that we must throw away all that hinders us and sin that entangles us (Hebrews 12:1) because he knows such bondages hold us back and make us captives of the evil one. There are a lot of people who have gone for all kinds of prayers and healing sessions and came back the same wondering why nothing changed. The answer sometimes lies in the fact that they have refused to let go and are holding onto things that have become barriers for them, obstacles to God’s healing presence in their lives. Some evil spirits that torment our lives are nothing else but a result of our disobedience and sin (1 Samuel 16:14-23) and despite all the prayers done, they will keep coming back because they are holding unto something. Until that thing is thrown out, they will keep tormenting us. That was just the case of Saul who suffered from that torment till he died. It was the same case with the man born blind, when the disciples saw his case, the first thing they could think about was who sinned for him to be in that condition, his parents or him (John 9:2). Jesus himself after performing certain healings will simply say your sins are forgiven (Mark 2:5) or go and do not sin again (John 5:14). This shows us that what was holding these people in that condition was not the illness but the sin that paved way for it which was left unattended or unforgiven. Pouring it out is very essential and we must try not to conceal them so that we can be free from them and be saved. We must make confession a habit and approach that sacrament constantly and avoid the habit of justifying or hiding the sin (Psalm 32:5). Simply confess your sins (Psalm 38:18) both to God and to one another so that you will be healed (James 5:16). Confession is capital for healing and deliverance and on the path to freedom, it is step you cannot avoid. Remember that for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 2:23) but do not let the sin be comfortable in your skin, do not give it a room in your life, do all to chase it out. Pouring out what is inside is giving the inside some peace and pushing away anything the evil one can use against you. Do not give the devil his chance.

In Corda Matris.


I resolve to resist sin.
I resolve to confess my sins each time I sin.
I resolve to forgive all who sin against me.


My dear Lord, I thank you for dying on the cross of Calvary for me and for pouring out your blood to save me from the power of sin. Teach me to resist sin and evil, to confess my sin always, and to hide myself in your mercy and love. Amen.


Write down all those who offended you and whom you have not been able to forgive.

Write down those things you still find hard to get over.

Write down the sin you are struggling with.

Pray over it and burn it.

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