My dear child, I want to take this little moment to talk to you about the man who carried me on his shoulders, nurtured me, fed me, gave me my first lessons, both educational, physical and technical. A man of few words, yet a man of principles. Growing up with him by me gave me a sense of security and pride. He is the model Men should copy. He taught me with examples and led the way each time with few words. Filled with self-control and humility, he treated everyone with so much respect and love even when they were wrong. Do you remember when they met me at the temple, even though he was stressed and worried because of my actions, he said practically nothing but took me home quietly without much blames. I know you have never thought of how he felt when he saw his wife in labour and yet couldn’t find a place where they could stay the night and have me. Have you ever thought of how he felt taking his wife in a house reserved for animals, prepared a placed for her to lie down and played the midwife? Yes, he helped mama bring me into this world. Have you ever imagined what he was telling her as they went from rejection to rejection? He had just the right words to keep her calm and the right encouragement to keep her going. The stress of the moment was bad enough to make him feel irritable but he was so calm that he didn’t pick offence with those who closed their doors on him. Having said this, I want you my dear child to focus on what I want to say next. There is nothing as beautiful as having a good father figure in your life, because it gives you the equilibrium you need to sail through the instability of life events. Through the father figure, we learn to love God and respect him. The father is that hard and strict one who doesn’t always go as we want but pushes us sometimes harder than we want and even sometimes gives us the impression that he doesn’t care about how we feel but who again always turns up when we need him and protects us with his own life. He works hard to give us a living and sustain us and carries us when we are down. Despite his hard and strict ways, we find ourselves missing and loving him. A father’s love is more of disciplinary and it knows how to correct and punishes yet it is so encompassing that we still run back to it for help. Such also is the love of my Father, who chastises all those he loves yet gives them the best they can get. Those who haven’t experience this in the father figure will be quick to say God is wicked or again God hates me. But this is just who a father is, loving you yet putting you on tract constantly. Today, many children lack such figures in their lives and grow with a one-sided affection and not knowing about how to balance things up. I am proud of single parents who are doing all they can to give their children the best but it is unfortunate that it is not very possible to play both roles perfectly. It is very unfortunate to see some fathers neglect the God-given responsibility they have been called to accomplished. The father figure must not come from the one who fathered the child but from anyone who is ready to accept and carry out that responsibility with live. Do not focus so much on the one who rejects you so as not to see the one who is standing by with open arms. I will always send your way people who will fill the gap that was created by those who left. Another good news I have for you is that, my Father, My Foster Father and I, are ready and available to play that role in every life. Just turn to us and we will find a way to fill that gap and create the equilibrium you need to live a stable life. Do not hesitate to come to us in prayer and allow us change your situation and turn your story around. I know how hard it is to grow without a father figure, but I am here to fill that gap and to share my Father’s love with you. You are not alone and will never be alone because we are here for you. My both Father’s love you so very much and I love you even more. Come and let’s celebrate my Father’s love and companionship.
Trust in his love.
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