Be The Good Soil

- Mark 4 -

My beloved child, I invite you today to listen carefully to my voice today and put into practice all that I tell you this day. Prayer is nothing less than a divine means of communication that links the divine and the human. It is a privileged channel through which the human calls upon the divine and the divine responds. My Father is always attentive to every call that comes from you and he gives directives as to what should be done. Prayer is power, power to communicate heaven and call the attention of God to what you deem important. Prayer is planning your life and your every day with God. I want you to make prayer the start and close of your day and the course of your day. You do not need much to pray, you simply need to pause for a while keep the silence within, and call upon my name. The evil one knows how powerful and dangerous you will be when you make prayer a habit and that’s why he is pulling you into so many distractions that you won’t focus on your prayer life. Create time for prayer amidst your busy schedule and you will be glad you did. Your spiritual life is like a garden and prayer is the water that irrigates it. When you fail to pray, the flowers in your garden start withering and their beauty fades and when that happens it affects your physical life and you will notice that things will start falling apart slowly and you will start losing face and favor where you were highly esteemed. I want you to keep watering your garden daily with prayer and your life will be as bright and beautiful as the flowers of your garden. The sweet fragrance of the flowers of your garden will keep attracting and bringing good things your way. So, remember that the beauty of your spiritual garden determines the beauty of your life. I also want you to understand that prayer is like a switch that allows the flow of power into your life. To help you understand what prayer is, I will invite you to look at this picture; a bulb is made and given the ability to shine,, and to help it shine, it is attached to cables and plugged into a power source. Note that all these don’t make the bulb shine until current starts flowing from the source to the bulb. But also note that the current might flow and the bulb still fails to shine because the switch has not been turned on. Prayer is that switch that opens the channel and allows the current to flow. Each time you switch to prayer, you are allowing the divine to fill up your life with itself and intervene in all the domains in which you need assistance. Turn on your switch my dear child and leave it on as long as you can, for the more you pray the closer you get to God and the closer you get to him the untouchable you become, and the blessings and prosperity that you seek invite themselves in your life. Miracles become your lifestyle. Pray my dear child and you shall be amazed at how much I can do for you. Pray!!! I say.

Remain in my love.

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