Temptations!!! A very common word that runs through the Christian life. No one can boast of being a Christian and yet claim not to be free from temptations. It is a reality that transcends age and culture and is constantly present with us at all times. Temptations are not sins as some people think, but they are rather trials that come to Christians not to persecute them but to strengthen them in their convictions and increase their faith and trust in God. They are like little challenges that Christians have to go through to scale higher heights and stay on track. They are above all an opportunity to show our love and fidelity to God (Job 2:1-9). Having said that temptations are not sins, I would like to remind you that they are near occasions to sins and we must avoid them. Jesus advises us to pray so that we should not enter into them (Matthew 26:41). Every one of us is likely to be tempted not by God but by our large appetite, desires, and attachment to worldly things (James 1:13-14). Your greatest temptations shall be linked to your highest fears, your greatest weaknesses, and desires that are contrary to divine will. I want you to note that while some temptations are occasional, some are constant. The occasional ones will come at various opportunities while the permanent ones will stay on the lookout for you hoping to trap you (1Peter 5:8). The good news is that God in his goodness has Made it such that no one should be tempted beyond his capacity (1Corithians 10:13) and he gives us grace to live beyond them all.
Temptations are not afraid of how big or how spiritual you are nor of how Holy you are, that’s why even Jesus was tempted in every way but he didn’t sin (Hebrew 4:15). You too can fight and resist your temptations and the devil will flee away from you (James 4:7). Jesus did same and the devil left him (Luke 4:13). The devil knows that which you are struggling with and will always use it against you and if you don’t know your weaknesses you will keep falling. He came to Jesus with the food issues because he knew he was hungry (Matthew 4:2-3). He came to Judas with the money issues because he knew he loved money (John 12:6). He put Peter through the triple questioning because he knew he was afraid (Matthew 26:69-74). He put David through the temptation of Beersheba and Uriah because he knew David was a perfectionist and would always want to cover his faults (2 Samuel 11:1-17). What is that weakness you have that the devil is taking advantage of? The devil has taken permission to try every single one of us (Luke 22:31) and he is already doing it in your life but the question is will you make it? One of the most difficult things is to know when you are tempted and not. Some people see their temptations as blessings and swim so well in them. While others even fan the temptations because it is pleasing to them. Beware not to get derailed or drowned by your temptations. Judas saw his temptation as an opportunity to make money. That’s the reality of many people today the temptation of money. This explains why Jesus said you cannot serve God and money (Matthew 6:24). Each time your quest for money makes you postpone your worship and devotion to God, the service of your neighbors, then be sure you are on the devil’s ride. He will fill your path with opportunities to make more money, bring more customers, more work and you will keep going and won’t even know when your spiritual life will be buried before your own eyes. I have seen people who spend all week and sell nothing but on Sunday morning customers abound and they are caught between going to church and serving their customers. When such people see this as an opportunity to make money, they won’t see when they push God behind. I wish we all copied the example of Muslims and the Jews, once it’s prayer time even if you want to buy for millions, he goes for prayers first. Make Business and money to come after God, in this way the devil will know he can’t tempt you with them and he will allow your job and business to flourish. How many are they out there who are ready to compromise God just to keep their jobs or secure future marriages? Well, each time you do, you lose a battle to the devil. Each time you give in to a temptation, you have given in to the devil and have open doors for him. Today the call is to watch out because the temptations are just by the corner spying on you. Beware of the temptation assigned to you and pray hard to overcome it. Remember the temptation you face will not come from the blues but from your desires. The key solution therefore is to mortify ourselves and pray.
Stay alert!!!
In Corda Matris.
I resolve to resist every temptation that comes my way.
I resolve to avoid the occasions to sin thereby avoiding the temptations.
I resolve to work on my weaknesses to close every access to the devil in my life.
I resolve to keep my eyes focused on the Lord and to revive my prayer life.
Lord Jesus Christ, I come before you today to humble myself and beg for your help in my struggles against temptations and sin. I beg for your forgiveness for all the times I have given free course to my temptations and sinned against you. Grant me the grace to be faithful to you and to resist the devil. Help me stand against evil and to keep my eyes focused on you. Teach me to discern every temptation that comes my way and to overcome them. Grant me the grace to mortify myself so that my weaknesses will not be the source of my shame. Amen.
List out your weaknesses.
List your innermost desires.
List out your common temptations.
Devise a plan to avoid them.
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