Be The Good Soil

- Mark 4 -

My beloved child, how I wish you would listen to me and apply everything I tell you. In me there is freedom and it is not my wish neither is it my Father’s that you should live in bondage or slavery. I was sent by my Father to free you from the bondage of sin and evil and it is for this reason that I poured my own dear and precious blood on the cross of Calvary, so that your sins may be forgiven. I therefore want to call on you not to make my sacrifice on the cross be vain for you. If you do not allow my blood to cleanse and save you, then of what use is my sacrifice for you? Sin is like a disease that eats up and destroys your life, holding you in a deep bondage and separating you from your Maker. I know you are human and are prone to sin by your very nature, but I am asking you not to make sin your lifestyle, I am asking you not to make friends with sin, I am asking you to resist sin and fight against it as much as you can. Sin is like a house that seduces you from the outside with its beauty but which is full of ruins inside. Once you fall for its seduction and walk into it, you start realizing that it’s not worth the sacrifice but still stay in it because of the little objects of pleasure that are of no true value but give the impression that they are precious. It is like taking your money and buying your own death and crying in regret when your eyes finally open. Listen to me my dear child, if you happen to fall into sin, do not go into hiding like your first parents did, or do not try to conceal the sin, come to me and confess the sin so that my mercy and precious blood will free and save you from that sin. My mercy is like an ocean, it is boundless and never goes dry. Do not let your sin make you fear my presence but always remember that my mercy and love will never judge you but strive to save you. I marvel when I see you trying to hide a sin you committed or even trying to avoid my presence because you have sinned. I can’t help but ask whether there is a place you can go in this world where you will be able to hide from me. Is there something you do in this world that I do not see or know? There is nothing hidden under the sun my dear child and always remember that my eyes are ten thousand times brighter than the sun and no amount of darkness can conceal anything away from me. Before a word comes to your mouth, I know it, I know every single one of your thoughts, so why struggle to hide them from me? confession is my way of making you speak out that which is buried inside you so that you can be free from it. When you speak it out, you are talking it out from your life and by so doing freeing yourself from it. Do not fall for the lies of the devil trying to convince you that, what you have done is beyond repair or that hiding it will gain you some time or again time will heal it. None of that is true. In Me, you have the fullness of redemption and my arms are and will always be open to embrace you each time you drift away and strive to come back. Sin creates anxiety and fear, it brings shame and disgrace but I am here to take all of that away and fill you with peace. Come to me dear child just the way you are and pour out your heart to me and I will give you rest and a new chance to start all over with a renewed spirit. Do not hesitate to come to me each time you fall, I am here to help you stand. Do not allow your sins to keep you away from me but come to me always so that I can keep you away from your sins. I love you so much and I want you to be free from the bondage of sin and fear, that is why I am calling you to walk the path of confession and forgiveness so that you will enjoy the freedom I bring. Take the forgiveness I give you and extend it to those who sinned against you, so that you may become my true other self in the world and teach them that there is hope for everyone and also that forgiveness saves and restores dignity and love. Give forgiveness my dear child and be free from grief and pain. Remember I am your strength and when you feel the hurt is too deep to forgive, turn to me and I shall give you strength to overcome the grief.

Come to me and be free!

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