My dear and beloved child, healing is an important aspect of my mission in your life. Sooner or later, you will need healing in your life, either caused by the natural process of things or by the supernatural, whichever one it may be, you will need healing. When that time comes remember that I am close by ready to step in. Human nature is fragile and vulnerable as well so you must do your best to take care of your health but if you do fall sick, remember healing is your due and seek it from your heart. I have raised medical practitioners and given them knowledge of the human body and more and I have also raised people with the knowledge of the healing power found in nature but, unfortunately, today the world tries to separate these people from me. I am the one who guides and blesses what they do for the good of my people. The doctors and other practitioners will be nothing without my knowledge and my guidance. Whether in the consultation room or the operation room, I hold the power of life and death, health and illness and I decide who goes through or who stays. Doctors can’t tell for sure 100% if the treatment they are giving will heal the person from the illness. They simply hope it does and they observe the process to see if the patient is responding or not. This is because I alone have the power of healing in my hands and they share in my ministry. I am the doctor of excellence who knows everything and all things and who tirelessly strives to heal you. Today, I am calling on you not to create an opposition between what the doctors do and the healing I give. I approve and bless the works of their hands for your well-being. Do not hesitate to approach them for treatment when the need arises but while doing that remember to pray and ask for my help. There is no reason to oppose hospitals and prayer. Praying for healing does not in any way disturb the work of the doctors. The two should go together and complement each other. While the doctor is administering the treatment, I am ministering the healing through prayer. It is so sad that in today’s world, there is little or no place for prayer in our hospitals and many of the doctors think they are the ones who heal. My dear child, do not fall for such wrong ideologies. If they were the ones healing, patients wouldn’t lose their lives after receiving good and solid treatment. All they do is do their best to administer the most appropriate treatment and hope the patient responds to it. Prayer and medicine both seek the well-being of the sick person, so why not put them both together? They could easily complement each other and help the human person get the best. How I wish the world would go back to the old ways where schools, chapels, and hospitals always went together. I know someday, the world will return to the ideal where prayer starts every treatment and prayer ends it. my dear child, while you follow your treatment, remember to pray and seek for my healing and I will step in and free you from the illness. I am here to make sure you stay up and strong to carry the mission assigned to you. Pray for healing over your life and those of your loved ones. Be constant and steadfast in prayer as you hope for the best and your faith shall make you well again and again. Be assured of my healing mercies upon you and your family. Remain in my love.
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