My beloved child and friend, I want you to celebrate the light you have and guard it very preciously. If you do not, it shall be stolen away from you and your survival will be threatened. Bear in mind that all living things need light to live, reproduce, and grow, and this also includes you. You can do nothing without the light and without the light you are lost. The very moment your light is taken, your life is also gone. There are so many people out there who live like wanderers and have no sense of direction or focus anymore and that’s simply because their light is gone and the wandering and staggering you see is nothing else but the effect of the darkness that has blinded them. You were told that the devil only comes to steal, but have you ever thought about what he comes to steal? The answer is far from what you believe and when you look at it keenly, you will see that the devil has all that the world can offer except for the ones that God has to offer. Conscious of the fact that living in the dark is harmful, the devil struggles hard to keep stealing the light from the innocent ones so that he can enjoy what he once had. The devil struggles to get back what he lost when he was thrown down and that is nothing other than the light. Aware of the fact that he is confined to darkness, he will do everything to bring you into the same darkness because misery loves company. This is why he lures you to sign agreements or enter covenants with him, so that, when he gets your light or your star and gives you temporal things and deceptive fame, you are then thrown into his darkness while he savors a piece of your light and wait for the next. Many who have fallen victim to the devil now live in the darkness of doubt and fear of the unknown. Your light you must know is your life and is your ability to walk forward in this world and exchange it for whatever is exchanging your life for it. Is there anything in this world that is worth your life? When anyone tells you that he has sold himself to the devil, it simply means he has given up his light and taken the darkness of evil. The light I give you contains life and it is that life that makes a difference in you. The devil longs to steal that life daily and you must stop him from doing so. My dear child, do not be carried away but follow me and walk with me constantly so that the work of darkness in you will be completely eradicated in the light that I am. The light my child is so powerful that darkness can’t even stand when it arises but gets swallowed up. Come and hide yourself in my light so that you will be protected from evil and saved from every harm. Stay in my light and learn how to be wise and overcome the work of darkness around you. I came into the world to be the light and to call you to this same light and I have made you the light of the world, go therefore and let your light shine bright so that many may come to your light and be transformed. Be a light bearer and an obstacle to the advancement of darkness and by doing so you will save so many as well as save yourself. I am with you and my light will be your strength as long as you abide in me.
I love you.
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