My dear child, being acknowledged and applauded by men is such a beautiful feeling and gives some ephemeral satisfaction, but is it worth the price to be paid? When you look back and see the people you hurt because of your quest how do you feel? When you look back and see all you did to get to where you are, are you proud of it? Does it give you true joy? Listen to me my dear child, the quest for acknowledgement opens the door to evil and brings in undesired consequences. Unrooted Famous people are like planes in the sky flown and fuelled by others and who are at the mercy of these others. A slight mistake and they crash so badly. Do not be eager to be seen and known untimely, be patient and get rooted. Many who have gone through that path hastily, have lost their peace and serenity and have become shadows of themselves. Some have lost themselves in the process and have become faint copies of themselves and stooges. The world is full of people who fake their smiles and joys just to fowl the public eye but who wallow in deep depression within. My child, I urge you not to go that way. Each time you find yourself going out of your way just to be accepted by people, note that you are going astray. I call on you not to go through that path but to accept the process leading you to genuine acknowledgement even if it seems slow. You already have my acknowledgement and in just a little while the people around you will follow suit. Just be patient and trust the process. Keep climbing the ladder of glory steadily and you will surely get to the top and stay until your time comes.
Trust the process.
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