Are you prepared enough for what lies ahead of you or do you feel you are up to the task because you trust in your abilities? There is an adage that says, failure to prepare is preparing to fail. Many Christians take a lot for granted and fail to give whatever they are called to do due preparation. Jesus our lord and saviour throughout his ministry did a keen preparation each time he had a task to do. Before beginning his public ministry, he went into the desert to prepare for it (Matthew 4:1-2) and that preparation gave him victory over the devil. When he was about to enter Jerusalem, he sent his disciples to the village beside to go get the donkey and the colt already prepared for the event (Luke 19:28-32), this preparation was done ahead of time, or Beter still when it was time to eat the Passover meal, he sent them to go into the city, to a house where there was an upper room (Mark 14:12-16). One may think that he just sent them to this place without making provisions ahead of time, but all these were already prepared ahead of time and that’s why when his disciples got there, everything happened just as he had said. A beautiful example of preparation is Jesus preparing for his death, him telling the apostles about it and him going to pray over it to get strength (Mark 14:37-38). While he prepared for it, he encouraged Peter to do the same and even encouraged him to stay up and prepare but Peter failed to prepare and the consequences were disastrous with him denying the one he loved (Mark 14:66-72) and this goes with the Lord’s warning, that a servant who knows the master’s will and does not prepare shall be beaten with many stripes (Luke 12:47). Prepare therefore so that you will not be among those who will fail and punished for it. When He was about to leave, he made the disciples prepare for the coming of the Holy Spirit by staying in the upper room and praying so that when He came, they won’t be taken aback (Acts 1:4). Even in heavenly matters, preparation is required and Jesus told his disciples that he is going ahead of them to prepare a place for them (John 14:2-3). Preparation is essential and God before meeting the people of Israel asked Moses to tell them to prepare themselves (Exodus 19:10) and to date the people of Israel still prepare themselves before the Sabbath and other feasts (Mark 15:42). To celebrate the days of the Lord, they didn’t just jump in, they made preparations and this is to show us how important it is to prepare for the things of the Lord. God himself always prepares before action. Before taking the people of Israel out of Egypt, he had already prepared a place for them and sent his Angel to lead them there (Exodus 23:20). If God prepares before action, why don’t you do the same before every task you are given? There is this beautiful passage in the book of Ezekiel where God asks the people to prepare and that they will be given a mission after many days and it is in the years ahead that they will invade the land (Ezekiel 38:7-9). See all the time they had to take to prepare before the mission was revealed and the time it would take before it was executed. Preparation is so essential and to succeed in this spiritual journey, you must prepare yourself, so that you can be ready for whatever lies ahead. Jesus himself will warn all who engage in things without first of all sitting back to evaluate if they are prepared enough (Luke 14:25-30), that such a person will fail and be mocked. He advised that we should always be ready and be on our guard but also that we should watch and pray so that we may be able to escape all that is bound to happen and stand before the Son of Man (Luke 21:34-36). As a child of God be prepared and get set for mission so that you will be ready for whatever comes. How prepared are you for the task the Lord has for you? The time to get set is now. In Corda Matris.
I resolve not to neglect the things of God.
I resolve to accomplish with devotion and dedication the duties assigned to me by God.
I resolve to do adequate preparations before any duty.
Heavenly Father, I thank you for assigning unto me responsibilities to carry out for you, I thank you for counting me worthy to be among your servants. I pray for the grace to be even more dedicated to your service and to do adequate preparations before each duty. Amen.
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