My dear child and spiritual pilgrim, it fills my heart with joy to see you undertake this spiritual journey. Life is not all about the physical but also about the spiritual and accepting to follow me on this journey has always been my desire for you. I come today to encourage you to keep forging ahead because I know the temptation to look back is always present and is very great. My dear child, looking back is the easiest way of putting your journey on hold. When you look back, your adversary will feed your eyes with things he knows will trouble your spirit and once he does, your focus will be taken away and your attention divided. He will then fill your mind with nostalgia and make you miss some of the things you once loved and make you crave them. Note that when all these begin, you automatically stop moving and start regressing. There is no stagnation on the spiritual journey, either you are advancing or you are regressing. Your adversary knows this and that’s why all he wants is to make you stop while you will think you have stopped to think or reflect on what is important and will continue from where you ended, he is joyful because he knows you are regressing and when you will be ready to go, you will notice that you have gone back to starting point, then you will get discouraged and give up. Starting all over is for many people a reason to quit. When they realize, they can’t anymore do with ease what they used to do, they get frustrated and begin the blame game. I have seen this happen so many times with so many disciples and that is why my child I want you to avoid anything that will push you to look back. Keep your eyes straight ahead and follow my lead. Whatever you left behind is waiting for you ahead. Be sure that on this journey, nothing good is ever lost, whatever you give up for my sake I carry it for you along and when you get to your destination, you will receive it a hundred-fold. Do not allow your desires to be masters of your life and push you to make mistakes that will keep on grounding you. I know the beginning is always rough because you have to adapt and learn to resist the numerous temptations but as time goes on, you will notice it will become very easy. Just hang in and push forward. The goal is ahead.
I love you.
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