Be The Good Soil

- Mark 4 -


Can anyone ever know God enough? Can anyone ever do enough or too much for God? Is there a point where one can comfortably say I have seen it all? True there is not. When you think you have done much and have done all you could or gone the best you could, Jesus will always be there to push you a little further into the deep (Luke 5:1-4). In this bible passage, there are two levels and at two different times where Jesus invites the disciples to push further. Jesus first tells them to push a little further from the shore and after they were done with the people, he asked them to push further into the deep. This is the process of every spiritual journey, detachment from the world, then going deep into the things of the spirit. With Jesus, there is always one new step to take, one more level to unlock and he will never stop pushing us to become better and get closer to the Father. Do you remember the story of Elijah when he ran and took refuge in the desert? He went a day’s journey and prayed to die saying it’s enough (1 Kings 19:4) and he thought he had covered enough distance but God sent an angel to tell him, to get ready because there was still a long way to go (1 Kings 19:7-8). God wanted him to push even further into the desert so that he could encounter him. When you think you have come a long way, Jesus will beacon on you to push further ahead. When Jesus met the Samaritan woman, he pushed her forward step by step until she became a bearer of the good news to her whole town (John 4:7-30). He started by catching her attention on what she needs (the physical desires), pushed through her personal life (self-examination), then pushed her into the things of God and worship (spiritual awareness), and lastly pushed her into carrying the good news to others (sharing the fruits). Note that he kept encouraging her to go further into what she knew. Jesus wants you to do the same and go further. He did the same with the seven deacons chosen to serve at the table (Acts 6:2-6), pushing Stephen further than the table, into the deep which led him to become a witness for Christ at the price of his blood, pushing him into the beatific vision of the open heavens and seeing Jesus at God’s right hand (Acts 7:55-60). Just like Stephen he also pushed Philip forward into the deep and turned him from a minister of the table into a minister of the word. Philip was asked to move forward and go south towards the desert road (Acts 8:26) so that he could encounter the eunuch and bring him on the same journey. What is beautiful about these stories is that these two men were not called to be ministers of the Word but rather to serve at the tables. But the zeal and love of God pushed them to go past the tables and deep themselves into the ministry of the word. You too have to go past the stage where you are. You have to push a little further into the deep and discover new things about our God. You must keep pushing forward and going higher until you reach the full stature of Jesus Christ (Ephesians 4:13). The best part of this story is how Jesus encouraged Peter and made him push further into the deep. Peter loved Jesus and was ready to go with him everywhere but was not ready to go beyond friendly love into the sacrificial one because he loved his life. But Jesus through the repetition of the question of how much he loved him made him see how much he still had to go and showed him the level he is supposed to access which will still lead to his life being poured out (John 21:15-19). We have to keep pushing forward every day and scale new heights. Some people came to know Christ at the entry-level, and to date are still at the same level. They have not moved an inch. You have to march forward fixing your eyes on the goal that is ahead, the prize to which God is calling you (Philippians 3:14). This is what you are called to do, marching forward and pressing on, setting your eyes on the things that are above and going pass the earthly ones (Colossians 3:2). You might have come for physical reasons, but God is calling you to push further and go beyond them and embrace new reasons. For this to happen, you need to fix your eyes on Christ the author and finisher of your Faith (Hebrew 12:2) and make sure you neither look left nor right but look straight ahead while testing the ground where you put your feet (Proverbs 4:25-27). Join the spiritual journey and access life in abundance.

In Corda Matris.


I resolve to strive to know God more and more.
I resolve to push forward on the Christian journey.
I resolve to seek divine knowledge in all I do.


Heavenly Father, I have come to seek your face and to join the heavenly race, give me the grace to run the race with focus and truth. Help me to be faithful to my engagements and to keep my eyes fixed unto you till the end. Amen.

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