“Our help is in the name of the Lord who made heaven and earth” (Psalm 124:8). The surest help of Man has always been from God and to date He is still the surest help man can get and as the psalmist will say, a very present help in times of trouble (Psalm 46:1). From the very down of creation, God has not wanted man to be alone (Genesis 2:18) because he knows for a better living experience, man needs someone he can be close to and confide in. Come to think of it, why will God talk of man being alone when we all know God is present and there for him? Have you ever thought of that? Who needs someone else when they have God? Guess what, you do. The reason woman came into existence is because God had to find a way to make himself constantly and physically present in the life of Man. Woman is no other than God’s help given to man. Clearly put, a woman is God’s helping presence working in the life of Man. The presence of a woman is so important that anyone who finds a wife finds happiness, and obtains favor from God (Proverbs 18:22), and this falls in line with God’s desire to see man happy. We can clearly say here without a doubt that women are key to unlocking true happiness in men. Is this still true in our world? I leave the answer to everyone’s discretion. Above that, woman is the crown of man (Proverbs 12:4) and we all know what a crown means. This simply tells you that a man only becomes a king or rises to honor when he accepts the helpmate God gave him. A good woman in the life of a man is the power of upliftment, growth, and advancement while a bad one is the reverse. Her worth is priceless, and she does him good his whole life (proverbs 31:11-12). The woman is just awesome and heavenly. Above being the helping hand of God given to man, a woman is the chosen means for the perpetuation of the human race. God in his goodness decided to share his power of creation with his creation and to do that he needed someone who with man could handle such an immense power. The power stored in man blossoms when he meets a woman who alone has the power to activate it. When they come together, they unleash the power of creation laid in them both. God laid in them both the power of procreation but in woman alone did he give the power to give life. Only God has the power to give life but he placed such power in the hands of Women and made them the incubators of life. He made them the first home of every life and gave them that ability to, at the end of a unique process, bring new life into the world and continue his work of creation. More than life-givers, women have all through the history of salvation, played a very important role and their presence made the whole difference. No wonder Jesus surrounded himself with a couple of them and noted that they were the ones who stayed with him till the end (John 19:25) as well as after the resurrection, they were still the ones who went to check out on him when everyone else stayed back (Luke 24:1). In the old times when Israel had her spies caught up, it is still a woman who saved them (Joshua 2:1-17). Should I point out that without a woman Jacob would not have had the blessing (Genesis 27:6-17) nor would Solomon have sat on the throne of his Father? (1 Kings 1:11-31). Imagine what the story of salvation would have been without these women. They only survived because the women were wise enough to correct the mistakes their husbands were about to make. This is the same way Jesus’ mother pulled him out of what seemed to be the Father’s will and reintroduced him when the time came (Luke 2:45-51 and John 2:2-5). In the tough times when the Israelites were about to be destroyed, they were each time saved by the genius of women. (see Esther and Judith). The presence of the helpmate in the life of anyone makes the whole difference. God knew how important it would be and that’s why he made a helpmate. Today the world celebrates Women, we celebrate God’s gift to humanity, we celebrate the mother of humanity and we celebrate the one who brings joy and happiness into the life of Men. We celebrate you all and we implore you all to be women, God’s hand present in the world. The world needs women, the world needs God’s helping hand, and the world needs you.
Happy International Women’s Day to you all.
In Corda Matris.
I resolve to protect my identity as a woman.
I resolve to work hard to accomplish the mission that is mine.
I resolve to resist evil doctrines that strive to derail me.
Heavenly Father, you gave me the power to bring life into the world and nurture it with my love, teach me each day to walk in the path you have drawn for me, so that I may in my earthly accomplish the mission that is mine and attain eternal joy.
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