My dear child, what is a soldier on a battlefield without his armour? Isn’t he just like a bird exposed to the hunter? Every shot of the hunger will gun it down. The armour keeps you safe from the attacks of the enemies and defends you when they aim at you. Put on the full armour and be saved. Have you noticed that the armour covers you from head to toe? It is like a hiding place where you can find complete safety. You will ask me why the shots of the evil one still get to you even though you have put on the armour. The answer is simple, you might have put on the armour just partially and not fully. I want you to put on the full armour, the armour in all its entirety. Note that, all the pieces of the armour are interconnected and they work best when connected. So, when you put on one and leave out the other, you still remain vulnerable. You must strive to put on the whole armour so that you can become untouchable. The armour I am talking about is my gift to you and that armour is my life laid down for you. Putting on the full armour is putting on my life and abiding in me. The armour is the safest apparel you will ever know, because each time you put it on, you hide yourself in me and no power can neither approach nor touch you. The armour gives you the security you need and the assurance to forge ahead in battle fearlessly knowing that you are completely covered. It is the best defence as well as an attack mechanism. Put on my full armour and you will see how easy fighting your battles will become. I called on you today to put on the belt of truth by living a life of truth, to put on the breastplate of righteousness but living a just and obedient life, to put on the shoes of the readiness to proclaim the gospel of peace by spreading my word all-around you and sharing my peace, to hold the shield of faith by listening constantly to my voice and words and believing in them, to wear the helmet of salvation by accepting my lead and the gift of salvation I offered you in my blood, finally by holding the sword of the spirit by declaring the words you have believed with authority. This is what I want and expect of you. If you shape your life to fit into this armour, you will enjoy divine peace and all-round joy. Put on my armour dear child and the devil shall not come close to you but shall flee each time you approach. The secret of the armour lies in the way you live your life and each piece of the armour is your victory over the vices laid in your life by the devil. Overcome lies and evil passions by wearing the belt of truth, protect your heart from evil contamination and sin by wearing the breastplate of righteousness, protect your head from evil and negative thoughts by wearing the helmet of salvation, guard your feet against walking evil roads by wearing the shoes of the readiness to proclaim the gospel. Use the shield of faith to cover yourself from the temptations and seductions shot at you by the evil one and use the sword of the spirit to cut off the evil links that bind you to the evil one. The armour my child is your sure ticket to my Father’s house. Do not hesitate to put it on every day and your life will be worth living.
Remain in my love
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