My beloved, I know you have come a long way and have fought countless battles and are still fighting some at the moment. I want to let you know, that, you have at your disposal so many weapons you can use and put the enemy to flight. Remember you are a soldier for me and a soldier is nothing without his weapon. You must always keep your weapons close to you in whatever you do and wherever you go. A soldier who doesn’t carry his weapons along is like a farmer who goes out without his tools and yet expects the best or again is like a technician who has many tools yet doesn’t carry any on him when he goes out to seek for opportunities. If he is called upon for some repairs, he will start running around looking for tools but before he gets what is needed, someone else would have stepped in. You are on the battlefield as long as you are in the world so you must keep your weapons of warfare close to you so that you will be ready at all times. Just as the enemy doesn’t give a signal before he attacks, so too you must be ready at all times with sharpened weapons. Choose whatever weapon you prefer and make sure it is always close to you. I want you to know that I am the power of those weapons and so they are only efficient when used in me. It is important to carry the weapons but it is best to be close to me at all times so that the weapons will always be at their best. Think of this; two soldiers were given the same weapon and sent to the battlefield, while the weapon in the hand of one causes havoc, the same weapon in the hand of the other does no damage to the enemy. Or again think of an axe put in the hands of two men to cut down a tree, while the one cuts the tree in a few strikes, the other takes hours. It is the same weapon but with different effects. The problem is not with the weapon but with the user. I want you to always remember that the weapon becomes more powerful and effective in the hands of a trained and prepared soldier than in that of an untrained one. You have the weapons with you, but soak yourself in me so that when you bear the weapons it may produce the desired effect. This is the reason why, one man will raise my holy cross, the devil will run away but another will raise the same cross, and the devil will attack him. Finally, I want you to become one with the weapon, and be so united to your weapon that it becomes a part of your life. When you do that, the devil will dread you because you shall yourself become the weapon and your simple presence will become for him a threat. Become a weapon in my hands my child and you shall be my Father’s arrow of deliverance.
Abide in me
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