Be The Good Soil

- Mark 4 -


At the center of the history of salvation is the blood of Jesus Christ and it stands as a witness that acknowledges Jesus as the son of God (John 5:6-8). We wouldn’t be here if not for the Precious Blood that was poured to save us. Jesus the High Priest offered the sacrifice of his blood once and for all and purchased for us definitive redemption (Hebrew 9:12). The blood of Jesus is of capital importance and there is no way anyone can be purified or saved without it. The principle that existed stated that everything is by law purified by blood and that without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sin (Hebrew 9:22). It is even much more important because the life of everything is in the blood (Leviticus 17:11). That is why time and again in the past, the people offered sacrifices by sprinkling the blood of animals for the forgiveness of sin. These sacrifices only had temporal effects and required that they be done time and again. For there to be a permanent sacrifice that opens the divine, God had to send his son in the fulness of time to offer the ultimate sacrifice, not in the human temple but in the heavenly one (Hebrews 9:24), to save man fully and grant him access to the heavens that were closed because of sin. The blood of Jesus therefore becomes for all a new covenant poured for the forgiveness of sins (Matthew 26:28) and the restoration of the lost friendship with God. The blood of Jesus reconciles us with God and makes peace with all things and frees us from every iniquity and evil. It is the cleansing spoken about by Isaish wherein God will wash us clean and make us whiter than snow (Isaiah 1:18) and St John confirms this by saying the Blood of Jesus cleanses us when we have fellowship with one another (1 John 1:7). We who have come to believe in Jesus must therefore allow ourselves to be cleansed by his blood so that we can have fellowship with him and the Holy Spirit. The blood of Jesus isn’t just for cleansing but it is also a weapon for victory over the evil one in times of battle and distress. Archangel Michael and his angels won the battle over evil by invoking the blood of Jesus (Revelation 12:11). The blood of Jesus is a sure source of victory over the devil and his agents. Think of this, the human race had been under the bondage of the evil one for long until they were set free by the blood of Jesus. This means that nothing will terrorize the devil more than the blood by which he was defeated. Invoking the blood of Jesus is therefore a sure way and putting the devil to flight and cancelling the effects of his work. The blood of Jesus is also a source of protection from evil and danger. Think of how the blood of the lamb put on the houses of the Israelite stopped evil from entering their houses (Exodus 12:12) and imagine how much the Blood of Jesus who is the true Lamb of God will do for those who are covered and marked by his blood. The Blood does much more than just protect us, it speaks for us and on our behalf, it speaks better things than the blood of Abel (Hebrew 12:24). While the blood of Abel cried out for vengeance, the blood of Jesus intercedes for us in numerous ways and obtains for us blessings without count. It gives us confidence to enter the Holy place and come before the Lord with hearts and minds made pure (Hebrews 10:19-22). It is therefore our duty to invoke his precious blood over us and our loved ones for our wellbeing and the peace of all.

In Corda Matris.


I resolve to invoke the blood of Jesus daily upon me and all those the lord has given me.
I resolve to strive to keep the purity received in the blood of Jesus Christ.


Heavenly Father, I thank you for the gift of your son to me and for his most Precious Blood shed on the cross of Calvary for me. I thank you, Lord Jesus Christ, for dying on the cross for me. Thank you for saving me from the cruel hands of evil and giving me a place in your heavenly Kingdom. Give me the grace to constantly invoke your Precious Blood upon my life and those of my loved ones. May your Blood free us from the power of evil and heal us from all our infirmities. Free us from all our sins and give us the grace to live lives worthy of your praise.


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