“Heaven and earth shall pass away but my word shall not pass” (Matthew 24:35). These words of Jesus remind us of the importance and the permanence of the word of God in our lives. The word of God is the foundation of everything and all that exists was made through Him (John 1:3). This goes a long way to say that you are a fruit of the Word and the Word is your foundational material. The best way to revive someone or something that has an issue is by using the material through which it was created. We too who came from the Word must learn to go back to the Word for all we need. God’s most powerful weapon of warfare is His Word. To destroy the work of the evil one in the World, God sent his word, because he knew only the source of creation could really save the world. John tells us that Jesus came into the world to destroy the work of darkness (1 John 3:8) and Jesus defeated the devil in the desert by the Word (Matthew 4:1-11) and did many miracles by the Word (Matthew 8:16). Talking about the weapons of warfare, the Word of God is the most outstanding and the Psalmist says God has exalted his word above his name (psalms 138:2) though some versions say to equality with his Name. The sacred writer reminds us that the Word of God is not just a letter but it is alive and it is active and that it is shaper than every double-edged sword. (Hebrews 4:12). This means the Word of God has the capacity to give life and to act, it has the capacity to cut through anything finely. This capacity is the power to save and set free and to break bondages. How amazing it is to have a weapon that is alive, a weapon that can act, have you thought about it? Jesus himself will decree that the Words he has spoken are spirit and they are life (John 6:63). The Word has the power to give life and to work wonders through the spirit. St Paul says the Word of God is the sword of the spirit and with that sword, you can win all the battles. Spiritual battles are fought in the spirit and the Word is the spirit and the sword of the spirit. We all need this weapon to fight all the spiritual battles and be victorious in them all. The Word of God is like a fire and hammer (Jeremiah 23:29). The Word of God becomes a hammer to break every stronghold melt every chain and consume all deposits. When things are tough and blocked, all you need to unblock and change things is the Word of God. The Word of God is the power to save (Romans 1:16), the power to save from difficult situations, and to save from sickness, death, and the devil. The Word of God has the power to heal and set free from all kinds of ailments. God sends his Word and heals all our infirmities (psalm 107:20). The Word of God is healing for the body, the soul, and the mind. Above is a weapon of warfare, the word of God is food (John 4:34) and is sweeter than honey (Psalms 119:103). It is divine nourishment and sustains all who eat of it. The word of God feeds our spirits and gives us strength to overcome in times of battle. To prepare his chosen ones for the task ahead, God always feeds them with the word. Ezekiel experienced this when God gave him the Word to eat (Ezekiel 3:1-3) and Jeremiah said when he met them, he devoured them and they were happiness and joy (Jeremiah 15:16). The Word is the source of joy and peace for all who rely on it and who make the word the center of all they do. To give Joshua victory and strength, God asked him to hold onto the Word constantly so that he can have victory and success (Joshua 1:3). Those who hold onto the Word never fail, they succeed in everything they do (psalm 1:3) and they get more wisdom and understanding (psalm 119:97-100). Every other spiritual weapon takes its foundation from the Word and with the Word, all the weapons become powerful and effective. Take the word today and overcome all the challenges and battles that arise on your part. Be rooted in the Word.
In Corda Matris.
I resolve to read the word of God daily.
I resolve to meditate on the word of God daily.
I resolve to pray with the word of God.
Heavenly Father, I thank you for the gift of your word to me and for its saving and healing work in my life. Feed me your word and make me strong, teach me to root myself in your word and to stand firm in times of trouble. Help to overcome the evil that comes my way by the power of your word and grant me the grace to savor your word each time I encounter it.
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