Me beloved child, how I wish you knew how much I love you. I know you feel broken and weighed down each time you see yourself drifting from life in the spirit and following the bodily passions and I also know how much you desire to turn things around but lack the strength to do it. I know it all and I see it all. I know how much you struggle and battle with that weakness and I also see how much it weighs you down when you fall into it. I know events and the evil makes you feel I have abandoned you. Today, I want you to know you are not alone and that all your struggles are appreciated and lauded. Keep the battle going and do not give up. Think of athletes running a race with the objective of crossing the finish line. They all run everyone at their own pace intending to cross the line. Some do fall on the way and get up while others remain down but at the end, only those who crossed the line will be counted among the winners. Go at your pace but bear in mind the objective and do not derail. Do not compare yourself with others who prove to be stronger than you, be sure you will meet them at the finish line for the celebration. This journey is not about the one who crosses first but it’s about all who cross. Remember the workers of the 11th hour, they all had a reward for holding up to the end. I am aware of how tough the battle against the flesh is, I had a bitter taste of it but I overcame it and I know with determination and prayer meddle with my grace, you too shall overcome the flesh and forge ahead on this journey. I trust you, my child. Take this little advice from me: avoid focusing on the weaknesses and sins and turn your focus rather on me. The sin is not bigger than my mercy. Many focus on the sin so much that it looks huge to them and shields them from seeing how ready I am to cleanse them from it. I shed my blood for you and I am here to accompany you in this battle and give you victory. Promise yourself today that you won’t stop fighting no matter how many times you fall and I will assure you of my constant grace to help you stand. Remember it will be my great joy to see you fight till the end and receive the crown I have prepared for you. Be the warrior I called you to be and win the battles that come your way.
Be rest assured of my constant support and my love.
I will always love you.
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