Yesterday, we looked at a common and well-known enemy, an enemy that is frightful and feared by many. Today, we want to look at an enemy that is loved and even approached by many. An enemy that is attractive and appetizing. We all dread the devil because lots of evil things have been said about him but the devil is not as terrible an enemy as the world is. Many do not know that the world is an enemy of our soul and they make friends with it. It is such that made St James sound this warning question “Don’t you know that making friends with the world makes you enemies with God?” (James 4:4). The first thing you should remember is that you are not of the world and that alone should guide your relationship with her. Although you are in the world, you must remember that you are not of the world (John 15:19), you must therefore do all that is in your power to avoid the corruption of the world (James 1:27). An important point we should never forget is that we once belong to the world and walked by her evil, governed by her leaders and followed human greed but God through Jesus saved us (Ephesian 2:2-5). It is our duty to stand firm and not go back to where a huge price was paid to save us (1 Peter 1:18-19). Jesus makes a clear point about the love that exists between the world and us. Because the world hated and rejected him, the world cannot love those who belong to him (John 15:18). He said in the world we shall have tribulations (John 16:33) and that’s because the world is an enemy to us. The world only loves her own and all who belong to her. If the world loves and accepts you, review your life again and see if you are following the steps of Jesus or you have derailed from it. Someone once asked why is the world our enemy if it was created by God. The answer is simple, the world lies in the power of the evil one (1 John 5:19) and everything in it is the craving of the flesh and more, which does not belong to the Father (1 John 2:16). It is for this reason that St Paul calls on Christians not to conform themselves to the standard of this world (Romans 12:2) and this is something many children of God find hard to do. Some tell you they will yoke themselves with the world and remain the same but St Paul still reminds us that Bad company corrupts good manners (1 Corinthians 15:33) and he warns that light and darkness have no partnership (2 Corinthians 6:14). The world as it is, is passing away while you were created for something permanent (1John 2:17) and so you must remember that you were not made for this world but for the one that is to come (last forever). Those who choose to love the world and allow themselves to be carried away in its pleasures and enjoyments will vanish with it because time is running out (1 Corinthians 7:29-31) and the end might take them unawares. So it was, at the time of Noah, that the people who loved the actual state of the world and rejected the ark of Noah got swept away when the waters of the floods came (Genesis 7:22-23). I know many will tell me they can love the world and love God but I tell you this, if you love the world, the love of the Father cannot be in you (1 John 2:15) and Jesus affirmed this when he said we cannot love and serve two masters at a time because you will hate one and love the other (Matthew 6:24). Likewise, those who love the world cannot fully commit to the things of God and with God there is no partiality, either you are hot or you are cold (revelation 3:15-16). The world and her principles are centered around all that is contrary to the love of God and it is geared towards derailing us from the presence and love of God. You therefore have to stand your ground and resist the world so that you can save your soul from eternal damnation. Remember this, what will it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul (Matthew 16:26). If you choose to gain the world and befriend the world, you will lose your soul. You have to make the choice now. Beware!!! The world is your enemy.
I resolve to detach from the world and its deceitful pleasures.
I resolve to draw nearer to God.
I resolve to give up the evil desires of my heart.
Heavenly Father, I thank you for loving me this much and for sending your son to save me from the bondage of the world. Give me the strength to resist the seductions and attractions of the world and to save my soul from its destruction. Help me to stay focused on what is truly important and to follow your lead in all I do so that walking amidst the passing things of the world, I may not be attached to them but keep my eyes fixed on the heavenly treasures that you have in store for me.
Examine how much you have lost because of the pleasures and things of this world.
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