Lent day 2
Meditate Luke 2:7; 1Peter 2:4; Isaiah 49
Are you feeling rejected? Did the people you love turn their backs on you? Yeah, that hurts a lot and pushes a lot of people into rebellion and fierce anger. But mind you Rejection is part of every Christian journey but the question is who rejected you? Rejection can either be human or divine. When the rejection is divine, there is nothing anyone can do because you are condemned (1 Samuel 15:23 and 16:1) but if it’s human then God still upholds you (1 Peter 2:4). No matter who you are and what you stand for, you can still be rejected. No matter how much good you do and how much help and assistance you give people they can still reject you and despise you. Let’s look at the life of Jesus and how he was rejected and despised by the people he came to lay his life for. From the time of his birth, the people rejected him when they failed to welcome his mother and make a place for them (Luke 2:7). I imagine how Mary felt when the people didn’t make a place for her at that difficult moment. I imagine how Jesus in the womb of his mother felt. Imagine the mother of the savior and the savior being refused a basic necessity and being pushed to the point of taking refuge in the house of animals. How do you feel when the people you are doing your best and making sacrifices for sideline you and kick you out when they don’t need you anymore? Do you give up and become bitter or do you keep walking and doing what you were called to do? Jesus went back to the same people where he grew and they didn’t accept him (John 1:11) but that didn’t stop him from continuing his work. Even when he was about to lay down his life for them, they all rejected him and chose Barabbas (Matthew 27:17-23). Yet he still went to the end of his work. The people you least expect are the ones who will let you down and turn their backs on you (Psalm 41:9). But how you react to it is what matters. Do you pick up yourself and move on or do you fight back in anger? When they reject you be glad because it’s not you they rejected but God (1 Samuel 8:7) and that’s why you have to push it to God (Romans 15:3) and move on. Each time you feel rejected somewhere be sure that you don’t belong there, shake off the dust, and go elsewhere (Matthew 10:14) for it might just be God leading you to where you are supposed to be.
I want you to note that certain rejections are nothing other than the execution of God’s plan (Genesis 45:4-8) so shake off the dust of resentment and hatred when you are rejected and turn the pain into a prayer to God for restoration and strength. Bear in mind always, that the pain of this present time is nothing compared to the joy that has come (Romans 8:18) and that when you are with God, even if the people reject you, you Will still Become the cornerstone (1 Peter 2:7) but that will only be possible if you don’t allow the pain derail you. Arise and march forward. In Corda Matris.
I resolve to let go of every pain I feel because of the rejection and wickedness of others toward me.
I resolve to forgive them and not hold any grudges towards them.
I resolve to always look up to Jesus when others reject and ill-treat me.
I resolve not to reject others but to hand them over to God.
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for coming into my life and for saving me. I acknowledge that many times I have closed myself in my anger and pain and have reacted poorly towards the ones who offended me and towards you. Help me to open my heart and to let go of every pain that has led me astray and held me captive. I forgive all who rejected me and illtreated me. Give me the grace to be strong and live beyond every rejection and pain. May your divine consolation be with me always and protect me. Amen.
Write down your own story of rejection and how you felt and spell out those you had grudges against
Pray for God to transform them and bless them.
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