Lent day 1
Unto a man is appointed a time to live and a time to die (Ecclesiasticus 3:2). This is the utmost reality that every man must face whether or not they are ready (Matthew 24:36-40). No one can prevent it because it doesn’t depend on whether or not his actions are good or bad. It is inevitable. Many turn to ignore this reality and live as though it doesn’t exist just as the rich fool did (Luke 12:16-21) but today I want to remind you that it’s coming and it is already close by. The axe is already on the root of the tree (Matthew 3:10) and it is ready to cut it down. There is nothing you can do to stop it nor any amount you can pay to save yourself (Mark 8:37 and Psalm 49:7-9 ). It doesn’t depend on whether you are healthy or not cuz You can be full of life and healthy yet die (Job 21:24-26). God has numbered your days and no matter what you do there is a limit of time you cannot pass (Job 14:5) so beware.
How do you see yourself? Do you esteem yourself higher than you are? You are nothing other than a pile of dust walking and living because of God’s breath, so be humble because when he takes it back you will go back to dust (Ps 104:29). Heed to st Paul’s call when he says you should not esteem yourself higher than what you are (Romans 12:3). Be humble, remember where you came from and focus on where you are going to.
Many people are so quick to forget that this world as it is is passing away (1John 2:17) and that we who are in it will definitely pass away so deal with it as if you had no dealings with it and do not attach to her things (1 Corinthians 7:31). Why hold so tight unto it and all it offers when you know it won’t last. You may think you are strong and mighty and you oppress the weak and the Just but today I urge you to turn away from doing evil or you shall be destroyed by the fire of God and all that shall be left of you will be ash and the Just will trample on you (Malachi 4:1-6).
Everyday people motivate others by telling them their lives are in their hands and they can do whatever they want but that’s just a lie because your life and that of every other living thing lie in the hands of God (Job 12:10) and he can take it away from you at any time. Be careful then how you live the life he gave you because there won’t be a second chance. Remember that it’s appointed unto a man to die once and after that Judgement (Hebrew 9:27). So then prepare yourself for the exit. Remember that you are dust and unto dust shall you return.
Resolve to surrender to the one who alone can safe and set you free.
Acknowledge the one who alone gives life
Make good use of your time because these days are evil (Ephesians 5:16). You have already wasted much time on futile things. Use whatever is left of your time on earth to gain a place in the land where nothing grows old.
Resolve to be humble and contrite of spirit (Isaiah 66:2) for those are the ones God upholds.
O Lord my God, I thank you for giving me life and for keeping me to this day. I pray you to give me the grace to know my end and how soon it will be (Ps 39:4) so that I may live the rest of my days seeking your face. Teach me to number my days so that I may gain wisdom (Ps 90:12) and act according to your will for me. Grant me the grace to put you in front of everything I do so that you may be my victory against evil and death.
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