Repentance is a complete change in the person’s life, not a temporary emotion.
The first stage of the spiritual life is the process of purgation. After the soul experiences a conversion, it feels the urge to purge itself from everything that is not God.
The purgative stage involves the purification (the purge) of the soul from mortal sin and the removal of everything that is not God and His grace. It is a time of self-examination and repentance to overcome sinful habits (vice and mortal sin) and attachments to things and people (detachment). It is a time that requires great discipline to conform the intellect and the will to the commandments of God and the teachings of the Church by putting them into practice. This means getting rid of the spirit of the world. Rewiring and re-shaping the Christian consciousness. Waking up and breaking free from the self-induced spiritual death of the soul aided and abated by flesh, the world and the devil.
This purgation takes place primarily through prayer, fasting, frequent confession, and penance. Souls in this stage actively seek to make themselves more open and docile to the workings of the Holy Spirit. Through this docility, it creates a longing for Christ. A thirst that can only be quenched by Him by drawing closer to him. Our souls are stirred with a desire for transformation, a yearning to become more like Christ in all things.
The purgative stage is like a furnace, where the dross of our sins and passions is burned away and the gold of our soul is purified, just like prophet Isaiah says,
“I will turn my hand against you;
I will smelt away your dross as with lye
and remove all your alloy”. (Isaiah 1:25).
This stage always involves suffering and challenges because the soul is casting off the old man and putting on Christ. The soul is confronted head-on with its own weaknesses and nothingness. Nevertheless, Christ in his immense goodness, only makes the soul aware of this in gradual stages.
“See, I refined you, but not like silver; I tested you in the furnace of affliction.” (Isaiah 48:10)
Amidst the suffering and difficulties of this purgation, it is also being drawn along at every moment by God to place its gaze more upon Him and less on the world. God woes the soul with the sweetest consolations and the beauty of His word. Which always brings great relief and comfort because He’s presence can be felt.
‘’Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.’’ ‘
’’I love you” (Isaiah 43).
The soul, through this, slowly starts to ‘’fall in love’’ with God.
The purgative stage is a necessary process in the soul’s journey towards the good by cleansing it from its imperfections to prepare it for abundant graces and deeper union and communion with God.
Draw near to God and He will draw near to you… – James 4:8
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