My dear child, remember that you are a chosen of the Lord and I chose you before you were born to be my disciple and to be one with me, just as I am with the Father. It is easy to say that I am in you or that you are in me but what is the visible fact that there is a union between us? How do you show the world that I live in you? Is it not by bearing fruits? You can’t show anyone your words but you can show them your deeds and today the world does not need people who only speak but it needs people who lead by example. The fruits you bear are the best way to evangelize and lead people to me. when they see your fruits, they shall come to you and you will direct them to me and I to the Father and the Father will be glorified. You hear me say my Father is glorified when you bear much fruits, this is because your fruits will fill the house of my Father with the souls of men. There is no better way of leading souls back to me than bearing good fruits. If only you knew how many souls have been lost because of the bad fruits some of my disciples bear out there. Their deeds in the eyes of men are so identical with those of the world and the people who look up to them get caught up in trying to follow them and end up in the evil camp. Do you know that many people look up to you for justification for the evil things they do? When they come to realize that you do the same evil they do, they get comforted and see no reason to change. When you do not bear fruits, you are giving a negative witnessing against me, telling those who see you that people who are in me are barren and when you bear bad fruits, you are helping the evil one snatch souls from the good path. You might not have known, but there is no neutral ground when it comes to fruit-bearing, and choosing not to bear fruits is choosing to be against the kingdom of heaven. Imagine this scenario. There existed two rival villages that struggled to get more people to come to them each for trade and habitation. The first village to make sure that many more people passed her route, planted several fruit trees on the road and each one who passed there was free to plug them and eat while they journeyed to the village. People going from tree to tree plugging the fruits didn’t realize when they had arrived at the village. The village experienced so much influx and her squares were filled with people. Then all of a sudden, the villagers noticed that the number of people had reduced drastically and they began to wonder what happened. They went and checked and noticed the trees were still very productive that the fruits were very attractive and also that many people visited the trees and fed on them yet, the village squares were still empty. They began to wonder why the people didn’t make it to the village anymore and in doing their investigations they noticed that anyone who ate from a particular tree had to deviate from the tract to a little setting to search for water. The people began to wonder what made the people search for water after eating the juicy and watery fruits from that tree. So, they decided to check on the quality of the fruits of that tree and noticed that though attractive, they had become sour and bitter. They found out that the enemy had corrupted the tree and created the little setting to act as a shortcut to the rival village and that thanks to it, the rival village had become populated. The tree that was supposed to help populate their village became the agent that helped populate the rival village. It was just one single tree that destroyed the work of all the other trees. It is the same with you my child when you bear sour fruits, you help populate the kingdom of darkness. You might think that you are small and have not much impact but you are capable of derailing souls that others have struggled to guide on the right path. People will come to you and they will follow the direction your fruits point to. Are your fruits leading people to me or taking them away from me? Do people see you and desire to follow me or do they encounter you and deviate from the right part? Is your life bearing fruits of the light or those of darkness? My dear child, you are an ambassador for me and anything you do either contributes to drawing people to me or takes them away. I need you to know that not bearing fruits is as bad as bearing the wrong fruits. The only option here is to choose to bear good fruits so that your fruits can lead many more souls to me. You have all it takes to bear good fruits, so do not allow the evil one to corrupt you and do not allow all that I have put in you to be wasted but put them into practice and bear fruits for eternal life and give Glory to your heavenly Father. Be assured of my support as you strive to bear fruits that endure.
I love you.
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