My beloved chosen one, you have been called and set aside by Me for a well-defined purpose. Let me start by reminding you that, the call upon your life doesn’t take you away from the flock but makes you a servant in the midst of the flock. I pray you my dear child not to fall into the trap of the pharisees who because they had received the privilege, started looking down on others and lording it over them. That is not why I called you. You have received the privilege of knowing me better than the others so that you can help guide them with all that you have learned from me. The purpose of the call is to help bring back to me those members of the sheepfold who have been derailed. By calling you, I placed on you a heavy responsibility with lots of implications but I trust you and I know you can handle it perfectly. My Father has endowed you with special abilities and has given you all you need for this mission. The particularity of this call lies in the fact that you are called to stay and serve where you are and to be a witness to the same people who know you. This seems to be a very difficult task because they know you and know your weaknesses but right there is the advantage you have. The advantage is in two folds, first for you and second for them. Firstly, it keeps you in check and helps you stay on track and secondly, it is the changes the people see in you that will convince them and show them there is hope of change for everyone. Did you notice that my first disciples started their work in Jerusalem where everyone knew their weaknesses and fears? Did you notice how their change of attitude made the people marvel and pushed them to enquire and in enquiring were led to me? Do not be afraid on account of your weaknesses to be my disciple where I have placed you but rather strive through my grace to show them that you are now a new creation and that it is possible for them to turn around. This can only be possible if you work on yourself and put aside those old habits that the people identified and put on the new ones. Remember, that, discipleship is all about self-renewal and imitation of the master, walking in his steps and learning from him. Take my yoke and learn from me and I will teach you how to be the change the people need and how to win them over for the Glory of my Father. I am entrusting you today with the mission of bringing your stray brothers and sisters back into the fold and showing them how much I love them and miss them. There is another danger I must warn you about, I did not call you to lead but I called you to follow me. Always remember this, so that when the people start running to you and making you their leader, you won’t be carried away and lose focus of the aim of the call. Many before you have made the same mistake and have become masters forgetting that they are servants sent to lead other servants back to the master. Beware not to become another master in the house of the master, because when you do, you will stop following the master and eventually stop being a disciple. The result of such is destruction. Be my disciple and keep learning from me every day, new ways to lead the people back to me, and my Father shall keep loving and blessing you.
Remember you have been called to be my disciple, remain in my love.
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