Today’s readings remind us that in the pursuit of Christian perfection, we neglect fasting at our peril. Admittedly, we need to remember that fasting is only ever a means[…]
All through the history of salvation, there are very few persons whose comings were foretold and prophesied by the prophets of old. One of them aside from Jesus and[…]
LENT DAY 3 One of the desires of the human heart is to feel acknowledged and approved by others. Such gives joy to the heart and encourages people to[…]
My dear child, being acknowledged and applauded by men is such a beautiful feeling and gives some ephemeral satisfaction, but is it worth the price to be paid? When[…]
First Reading: Isaiah 58: 1-9a 1 Cry, cease not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their wicked doings, and the house of Jacob their sins.[…]
Beautiful is her life and story and contagious are her graces and love. Human nature though broken and stained by sin is not void of divine touch. The human[…]
DAY 2 Thursday after Ash Wednesday There is a direct connection between today’s first reading and the Gospel. In the passage from Deuteronomy, Moses reminds the Israelites that sin[…]