Be The Good Soil

- Mark 4 -

My dear child, the battle is real but I am close. The devil goes around for evil but I go around for good. You must always remember that the devil has no power over you if you don’t give in to his plans or submit to his authority. He has no power over your soul and cannot touch it without prior permission. Even the hairs of your head are counted and without my permission, none of them can be missing. He is conscious of this and knows that he has a limited time, so he does all in his power to cause enough havoc. But do not be frightened by the happenings, rather be strong and stand your ground, resist him and he will depart from you. Learn from my 40 days experience in the desert and command him to depart from you when he starts trying to lure you. I have already won the battle over him and I have set the angels to protect you against him and his schemes. Work with them and destroy his works and plans so that you can live in peace and experience happiness and joy. Abide and hide in me so that you can escape his attacks and arrows.

Take up constant and persistent prayer as a weapon and you will overcome him. Abide in me and together we shall win the battle over the devil.

Remain in my love!

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